Migraine and Headache VA Claims
Veterans experiencing chronic headaches should consider all underlying and contributing factors, especially those that could be linked to their service. Documentation from your medical providers that establishes a connection between the veteran’s military service and their chronic condition is crucial. This can include clinical evaluations, treatment records, and diagnostic tests, which collectively help substantiate claims for VA benefits.
To establish a service connection for headaches, a veteran must generally provide a current diagnosis, evidence of an in-service event that could have caused the headaches, and a medical nexus linking the headaches to service. Alternatively, headaches can be service-connected as a secondary condition to an existing service-connected disability, requiring a current diagnosis, a nexus to the primary condition, and evidence that the primary condition causes or aggravates the headaches. Presumptive service connection might apply for Gulf War veterans or those exposed to toxic substances like burn pits or contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, provided the headaches meet specific criteria.
When filing a claim, including service medical records, post-service medical records, and a medical nexus opinion is essential. The VA rates headaches under Diagnostic Code 8100, with ratings based on the frequency and severity of the attacks. To strengthen a claim, veterans should document the impact of headaches on daily life and work. For more tailored advice, provide details about the veteran’s service history, current medical conditions, and any exposure to environmental hazards during service.
Veterans should seek the assistance of an Accredited VA Disability Advocate because we provide expert guidance through the complex VA claims process, ensuring all necessary evidence is gathered and presented effectively. Our advocates are trained to identify and link service-related conditions, increasing the likelihood of a successful claim. Additionally, we offer personalized support and representation, helping veterans navigate appeals and secure the benefits they deserve.
Types of Headaches:
Headaches can manifest with various symptoms, depending on the type of headache and its underlying causes. Here are common symptoms associated with different types of headaches:
Tension Headaches
Dull, aching pain: Often described as a tight band around the forehead or a weight on top of the head.
Tenderness: Scalp, neck, and shoulder muscles may feel tender or tight.
Pressure: Sensation of pressure across the forehead or on the sides and back of the head.
Pulsating or throbbing pain: Usually on one side of the head, but can affect both sides.
Sensitivity to light and sound: Often retreat to a dark, quiet room.
Nausea and vomiting: Common digestive symptoms that accompany the pain.
Aura: Visual disturbances like flashes of light, blind spots, or other vision changes; aura may occur before the headache pain.
Dizziness: Sometimes accompanied by lightheadedness or vertigo.
Cluster Headaches
Intense piercing pain: Typically around one eye or one side of the head.
Restlessness: Unlike migraines, it may involve pacing or agitation.
Eye symptoms: Redness, swelling, or watering of the eye on the affected side; drooping eyelid or constriction of the pupil.
Nasal congestion or runny nose: These symptoms occur on the same side as the headache.
Sinus Headaches
Pressure and pain: Around the cheeks, eyes, and forehead.
Nasal discharge: Green or yellow mucus, which is a sign of sinus infection.
Congestion: Feeling of fullness in the ears and face.
Fever: Often accompanies sinus infections.
Rebound Headaches
Dull, ongoing pain: Often worsens in the morning.
Frequent use of pain medications, Especially headache medicine taken more than two or three times a week.
Restlessness and insomnia: Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep.
Other General Symptoms
Cognitive symptoms: Difficulty concentrating or memory problems.
Emotional effects: Irritability or mood changes related to the pain or its impact on daily life.
Physical activity: In some headaches, symptoms worsen with physical activity, while in others, like tension headaches, there might be no change.

Headaches Symptoms:
Headaches, particularly migraines, can often be accompanied by a range of additional symptoms including sensitivity to light and sound, vertigo, and other neurological or sensory disruptions. These symptoms can significantly affect a person's ability to function normally. Here's more detail about each of these symptoms:
Sensitivity to Light (Photophobia) and Sound (Phonophobia)
Photophobia: A common symptom of migraines where light feels uncomfortably bright or painful. Sufferers may need to stay in dark rooms during migraine attacks.
Phonophobia: Similar to photophobia, but with sound. Even normal levels of noise can seem overwhelmingly loud and can exacerbate headache pain.
Migraine-associated vertigo: This can include feelings of spinning, tilting, or unsteadiness that complicate a person’s balance. It's not uncommon for these symptoms to occur during or independently of the headache phase in a migraine.
Visual disturbances: Before the pain of a migraine begins, many experience visual phenomena such as seeing sparkles, zigzag lines, or temporary vision loss.
Sensory changes: Numbness or tingling, often on one side of the face or in an arm or leg, can accompany migraines.
Speech or language problems: Some experience difficulty speaking or understanding language during a migraine aura.
Other Symptoms:
Nausea and vomiting: These are especially common with migraines and can be as debilitating as the headache itself.
Nasal congestion and runny nose: Often associated with cluster headaches and sometimes with migraines.
Facial pain or pressure: Typically linked with sinus headaches but can also occur in migraines.
Neck pain: Frequently reported with tension headaches and migraines.
Increased urination: Some may find they need to urinate more frequently during migraine attacks.
Mood changes: Anxiety, excitement, or depression can sometimes precede a migraine.
Cognitive and Emotional Effects:
Confusion: During severe headaches, especially migraines, some people may experience a temporary mental fog or confusion.
Irritability: Headaches can cause significant changes in mood, particularly irritability or depression.
These additional symptoms can complicate the diagnosis and management of headaches, as they overlap with many other conditions. When experiencing such symptoms, it's important to provide healthcare providers with a detailed account of what occurs before, during, and after headaches. This comprehensive description can assist in tailoring treatment plans that address not only the pain but also the accompanying symptoms that impact quality of life.

For veterans experiencing migraines, keeping a detailed headache journal is a vital step in tracking the frequency, severity, and impact of their headaches. A headache journal allows veterans to document each migraine, noting key information such as the date, time, duration, triggers, and any symptoms experienced. This log should also include details on whether the attack was prostrating—meaning it forced the individual to lie down and rest—or non-prostrating, where the veteran could continue with daily activities. Keeping such records not only helps in identifying patterns and triggers but also strengthens a veteran's claim when seeking VA disability benefits for migraine headaches.
When reporting migraines to healthcare providers or for VA disability claims, veterans should provide a clear assessment of how the attacks affect their ability to function. In the journal, it’s important to describe whether a migraine was prostrating by noting if it caused the veteran to miss work or daily tasks, required rest, or led to incapacitation. Veterans should also report the duration of the recovery period for each episode and how frequently these attacks occur. Proper documentation can be critical in showing the debilitating nature of prostrating migraines, which can result in higher VA disability ratings. Accurately differentiating between prostrating and non-prostrating attacks will provide the VA with the evidence needed to assess the severity and impact of the condition.
The difference between prostrating and non-prostrating migraine attacks relates to the severity and impact of the headaches on a person's daily life:
Prostrating Attacks: A migraine is considered "prostrating" when it is so severe that the individual is forced to lie down, unable to continue normal activities, and requires rest to recover. The term implies that the headache incapacitates the person to the point where they must retreat to a dark, quiet place and refrain from engaging in daily tasks. In VA disability terms, these attacks can significantly affect a veteran’s ability to work or carry out basic activities.
Non-Prostrating Attacks: These migraines are less severe and, although they may cause discomfort and pain, they do not require the individual to cease all activities. A person can usually continue with daily tasks, albeit with some difficulty or discomfort, but they are not rendered incapacitated.
In VA disability ratings, prostrating migraines are considered more serious and can result in a higher disability rating due to their significant impact on quality of life and functionality

Title: Secondary Conditions Associated With Headaches and Migraines:
Welcome to The VA Disability Advocate, where we understand the challenges and emotions veterans experience while navigating the complex process of filing a VA disability claim. I am Albert L. Thombs Jr., "The VA Disability Advocate," your dedicated advocate; I'm providing you with valuable insights and guidance to help you approach your claim with the right mindset. Filing a claim can be daunting, but with empathy, information, and support, you can increase your chances of success and obtain the benefits you deserve.
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure): Can cause headaches typically described as early morning headaches that occur upon waking up. These headaches are often due to extremely high blood pressure levels.
Sinus Conditions: Chronic sinusitis can lead to constant pressure and pain in the forehead and face, which can cause recurring headaches.
Cervical Spine Conditions: Issues with the cervical spine, such as cervical spondylosis or degenerative disc disease, can cause headaches.
Menstrual Cycles: Hormonal fluctuations related to menstrual cycles can trigger migraines or hormonal headaches in some women.
Sleep Disorders: Conditions like sleep apnea and insomnia can lead to headaches.
Eye Strain: Prolonged use of screens or untreated vision problems can lead to eye strain, often causing headaches.
Mental Health Conditions: Conditions such as depression and anxiety can exacerbate or contribute to the frequency and severity of headaches.
Tinnitus: Often associated with auditory conditions that may include headaches as a secondary symptom.
Dental Injuries: Jaw misalignment or trauma from dental injuries can cause tension headaches.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Head Injuries: These injuries can lead to post-traumatic headaches which mimic migraines or cluster headaches.
Medications: Certain medications, especially those for psychiatric conditions or high blood pressure, can have side effects that include headaches.

VA Rating Scale for Headaches:
The VA rating scale for headaches, specifically migraines as outlined in the 38 CFR § 4.124a, diagnostic code 8100, categorizes the severity and frequency of headaches and assigns a disability percentage accordingly. Here’s how each rating is described along with associated symptoms:
Let’s delve deeper into each VA disability rating level for headaches, particularly migraines, explaining the symptoms, frequency, severity, and how they affect a veteran's daily life and employment capabilities.
0% Rating
Symptoms: Headaches that occur infrequently and are mild in nature. They do not lead to prostrating attacks, meaning the veteran does not need to lie down or stop all activity due to the headache.
Impact: These headaches cause minimal disruption to the veteran's daily activities and work life. The discomfort might be noticeable but does not interfere significantly with professional responsibilities or personal life tasks.
10% Rating
Symptoms: At this level, the headaches are characterized by prostrating attacks that occur approximately once every two months. These attacks are severe enough to require cessation of activity and a need to rest in a quiet, dark environment.
Impact: Although the headaches are severe, their infrequent nature (about six times a year) means the veteran can generally maintain normal work and life routines with occasional disruptions. The veteran might miss a day of work or social activities during an attack but recovers and manages until the next episode.
30% Rating
Symptoms: The headaches occur more frequently at this rating level, with characteristic prostrating attacks about once a month. These attacks are debilitating, and the symptoms may include severe pain, nausea, and light and sound sensitivity, possibly affecting the veteran's physical stability.
Impact: The regularity of these headaches, occurring roughly twelve times a year, significantly impacts the veteran’s ability to maintain consistent work. The veteran may need to take regular sick days and might struggle with job performance, though they are still able to hold a job. There may be some level of social withdrawal during these periods.
50% Rating
Symptoms: Headaches at this level occur very frequently and are intensely debilitating. Each headache results in a completely prostrating attack that can last for extended periods. The frequency and intensity of the headaches lead to severe pain, extreme sensitivity to environmental stimuli, and possibly additional neurological symptoms such as dizziness or visual disturbances.
Impact: The severe and frequent nature of the headaches at this level typically results in "severe economic inadaptability," meaning the veteran is often unable to maintain employment. The physical and mental demands of a job become untenable due to the frequent need for rest and recovery, potentially leading to significant lifestyle adjustments and reliance on disability support.
Additional Considerations:
Documentation and Evidence: Veterans should maintain detailed records of their headache occurrences, symptoms, and treatments. Medical records, personal journals, and testimonies from colleagues or family can substantiate the frequency and severity of the headaches.
Comprehensive Evaluation: During VA evaluations or C&P exams, it's crucial that veterans communicate not just the physical symptoms of their headaches but also the broader impacts on their mental health, social life, and ability to work.
For veterans, accurately conveying the extent of their headache symptoms and their impacts on daily functioning is crucial for receiving a fair and adequate VA disability rating. This detailed information helps ensure that the rating not only reflects the medical severity of the headaches but also their practical implications on the veteran’s life and economic stability.
[Veteran’s Full Name]
File Number [Social]
[Veteran’s Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Department of Veterans Affairs
[Regional Office Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]
Subject: Claim for Headaches Secondary to Service-Connected Sinusitis and Tinnitus
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to file a claim for severe headaches that I experience as a secondary condition to my service-connected sinusitis and tinnitus. The symptoms I endure are both frequent and intensely debilitating, severely impacting my daily life and ability to maintain employment.
My headaches occur very frequently, often several times a week, and each one is intensely painful. These headaches are completely prostrating, forcing me to retreat to a dark, quiet space where I can attempt to manage the pain. The attacks can last for extended periods, leaving me unable to function during and after each episode.
During these headaches, I experience extreme sensitivity to environmental stimuli such as light and sound, which only intensifies the pain. Additionally, I suffer from neurological symptoms like dizziness and visual disturbances, which further complicate my condition. The combination of these symptoms makes it impossible for me to carry out even the simplest tasks.
The severity and frequency of my headaches have had a profound impact on my life. The pain and the need for prolonged rest and recovery have rendered me unable to maintain consistent employment. The physical and mental demands of a job have become unmanageable, and I have had to make significant lifestyle adjustments as a result. I am now heavily reliant on disability support to get by.
I respectfully request that my claim for headaches as a secondary condition to my service-connected sinusitis and tinnitus be considered with the full understanding of how debilitating this condition has become. The frequent and severe nature of these headaches has led to severe economic inadaptability, and I am seeking the support I need to manage this life-altering condition.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
[Veteran’s Full Name]
[Veteran’s Signature]

What to Expect During a C&P Examination for Headaches:
When a veteran files a claim for disability benefits, the VA may schedule a Compensation & Pension (C&P) exam to evaluate the severity of the veteran’s condition and its connection to military service. However, it is important to note that it can take between 30 to 60 days for the VA to schedule this exam. Furthermore, the VA does not automatically schedule exams for all conditions listed in a veteran’s claim.
When attending a VA Compensation & Pension (C&P) exam specifically for headaches, you can expect a thorough evaluation to understand the severity, frequency, and impact of your headaches on your daily life and ability to work. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what to expect during the exam:
Neurological DBQ:
Before the Exam:
Preparation: Bring any medical records, headache diaries, and notes about your headaches, including details about frequency, duration, symptoms, treatments, and any over-the-counter or prescription medications you use.
During the Exam:
Medical History Review: The examiner will review your medical history related to headaches, asking about the onset, types of headaches (e.g., migraines, tension-type, cluster headaches), and any related family history.
Symptom Description: You will be asked to describe:
Frequency: How often the headaches occur.
Duration: How long each headache lasts.
Intensity: The severity of the pain and whether it is throbbing, stabbing, or a constant ache.
Location: Where on your head you experience the pain.
Associated Symptoms: These include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, visual disturbances, and dizziness.
Prostrating Episodes: Instances when headaches are severe enough require lying in a dark, quiet room.
Daily Activities: How do headaches affect daily activities, including chores, social interactions, and family life?
Work Impact: Specifically, how headaches affect your ability to perform at work or if they have caused you to miss work days.
Physical Examination: The examiner may perform a physical exam to check for any neurological abnormalities that could be contributing to the headaches. This might include checking your reflexes, muscle strength, eye movements, coordination, and sensation.
Discussion of Treatment: What treatments have you tried, what has been effective, and any side effects of medications?
Tips for the Exam:
Be Detailed and Honest: Provide specific details about your symptoms and their impact on your life. Honesty is crucial for an accurate assessment.
Consistency: Make sure your descriptions are consistent with what you have reported in your medical records and any claims forms.
Advocacy: If needed, bring someone with you who can help describe the impact of your headaches or help you remember to mention all relevant information.
Follow-Up: After the exam, if you think of additional information that may help your case or if you feel something was not properly documented during the exam, you can contact the VA to submit additional information.
The VA C&P exam for headaches is designed to comprehensively assess how your condition affects your life, particularly your ability to work, which is a critical factor in determining your VA disability rating. Being well-prepared and transparent during the exam is essential for accurately evaluating your disability claim.
The VA Disability Advocates Main Office is Located in Las Vegas, NV. We Represent Veterans throughout the United States. 702-209-5722